Our Shepherd, The TSA

The TSA is an abomination that needs to be abolished.  In all the years of their existence, they cannot claim to have prevented one terrorist act.  They have, however, molested millions of children, grandmothers, etc., and are now spraying everyone with radiation with their body scanning devices to “keep them safe”.

They claim that the new “enhanced pat-downs” are in response to the “Underpants Bomber.”  Certainly you remember him…  the Nigerian, Umar Abdul Mutallub…the terrorist that managed only a weenie roast on Northwest Airlines flight 253 when he tried to ignite plastic explosives hidden in his underpants.  Freaking brilliant!

Of course,  the CIA had been informed of this young lad’s terrorist proclivities by his father, no less.  The CIA did, to their credit, add him to one government database as a potential terrorist, but failed to have him added to another that would have prevented him from flying into the US.  Are these guys good, or what?  I mean, do any of these myriad of agencies interact with one another?  So, in response to the government’s ineptitude we get from them… more ineptitude.  Freaking brilliant!

The last time I looked at the Bill of Rights, the fourth amendment stipulated that:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…”

Now, the big government bonehead types that run our government, the courts,  and the TSA may assume that it is “REASONABLE” to search me, native born, military veteran,  and tax-paying citizen, because I “MIGHT BE A SECURITY RISK”… I heartily disagree.   The right to unreasonable search “SHALL NOT BE VIOLATED!”

Janet Napolitano tells us that we all “… need to learn our roles. That is, the government as shepherd and we as their sheep,  and the majority of Americans buy into this big government as protector mentality.  If you believe  this crap, I say remember Randy Weaver, remember Waco.  The government is neither your friend or protector.  George Washington said it best when he said that “Government is not reason.  It is not eloquence.  It is force, and like fire, a fearful master and a dangerous servant.”

Benjamin Franklin once remarked, and I paraphrase, “Those who would give up liberty for security deserve neither, and will have none.  And that, my friends, is not only correct, it truly is “Freaking Brilliant!”









6 Responses to Our Shepherd, The TSA

  1. B says:

    I agree 110% I would rather drive and avoid the harassement. Plus it is hard to sneak my chain saws and weed eaters and gas thru security.

    • Lodgecon2 says:

      All I really want to know is where to sign up. Where do I sign to declare my loyality to the principles of personal responsibility, liberty, law developed by a government of the people? I sign a lot of documents and make a lot of pledges to this government its’ flag. But where can I pledge my fortune to the original idea? I am tired of listening, talking, writing and reading about this complete American failure to govern. It will not change. So, where do I sign up to fight, to kill a government, where? Where do I sin up to raise arms against this government? I know that this means people will die, I will die, but so did they that thought more about the “freedom” then their person. Where do I sign up to kill people who would deny me that freedom? Where do I sign up to kill my neighbor for betraying these principles of liberty? The context of Ben Franklins statement is not dramatically different but the character varies a great deal from men who would qoute him and not act as he did. When he was forced to return to the America of his time he knew what was coming, thus his return. So, the question is where do I sign up for the next Civil War of Liberation or Revolution? Where?

      • vtfarmer says:

        Sounds like you’re ready to go out and start whacking those who don’t agree with you bro… Very, and I mean very uncivilized. If you are interested in individualism and liberty, then you must understand that a simple, or even complex political difference with someone is no reason to remove his or her liberty from them by killing them.

        With regard to the idea of “killing this government”. I wouldn’t bother. It is now in the beginning of its death throes. The very foundation of the Federal Government is cracking. The world economic fiat money system with which we are currently saddled is stumbling under the weight of its sovereign debt, its “socialist” ideas, and I believe that we are in the “end days.” Worry less about “bringing them down”, for they are certain to fail, and more about what you are going to do when the Government – Corporate axis that currently rules us goes into freefall. Get your hidey hole in Kentucky ready, man, and be prepared to defend and protect what is yours. Gold, guns and food, brother.

        When the lights begin to dim, I’ll see you there.

  2. Lodgecon2 says:

    I was sitting here after the first read of your response coming up with a bombastic response to your post. I then realized that you were not, attempting to be pretentious or grandiloquent. You were not using metaphors from some high minded philosopher. You are, rather, straightforward and apparently very serious, sober! This written conveyance of attitude well, frankly, scares me! I guess it was not what I expected. I thought you would stretch me over and pull me across some thesis concerning government and freedom, maybe bring Aristotle or Kant or Luther into the discussion. I was hoping for a mental stretch an exercise. Instead I read this solemn idea that the end is near.

    If you are right, then it is time to gather men together that believe. We are a Nation and a culture forged by influences. We have through this process concluded that survival is about protecting our person. We have grown self interested, self aware and egocentric. This “self determinate culture” is the polar opposite of an altruistic society which relied upon the collective will of men to change, to govern and to make this place better. If your right, then it is not a time to isolate, but rather combine, collaborate, compile the wills of each of us and take action.

    • vtfarmer says:

      I just completed a rather long response to your reply, and somehow deleted it. Quite sweet! I will get back to you later in the week on this one. May turn it into a post.

  3. Lodgecon2 says:

    I look forward to it, maybe.

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