Nobel Peace Prize???

October 11, 2009

Driving to work on Friday and listening to NPR (I know it’s part of the liberal news establishment, but I like their programming), and I hear that President Obama has received the Nobel Peace Prize.  That’s nice, but what the heck for?  For his work in Iraq and Afghanistan?  We’re still there, right?

Okay, I understand that nobody around the world thought much of Bush Jr., but surely they wouldn’t  give Obama the Peace prize simply because he’s more inclusive and multi-lateral in his approach to the world.  Maybe they are thinking if they give him the prize he’ll make the world more peaceful.  Or maybe they’re thanking the average American Joe for electing him to the presidency.  Or maybe… Honest to god, I can’t figure it, but then, these are the same guys that gave the Nobel Peace Prize to Yasir Arafat and failed to give one to Mahatma Gandhi.  Their heads are really screwed on tight.

At any rate, now that he’s done so much to bring peace in our time perhaps next year they’ll give him the Nobel for Economics.  Now there’s a mess that needs straightening out.