Airport Security: Let’s Profile Muslims

November 29, 2010

It is refreshing to see a Muslim American propose the utilization of profiling as a methodology to combat domestic terrorism.  One does not have to be a rocket scientist to recognize that the majority of attacks on airliners have been perpetrated by Muslims, some American born, some not.  The article below is by an American Muslim that has been judged an “Uncle Tom” by some in her community.

Airport Security: Let’s Profile Muslims – The Daily Beast.

Ground Zero mosque debate is about common sense, sensitivity to 9/11 vics, not religious freedom

August 16, 2010

Religious freedom is enshrined in our constitution.  I believe that all may believe what they would believe and should worship as they please.

This being said, however, it is a bad idea to put a Mosque near ground zero. After all, it was Jihadist Islamists that committed the horrendous act of plowing airplanes into the twin towers, destroying them and in the process killing themselves and nearly three thousand others.   To build a mosque on this site would be seen by many in the Arab world as a victory for the terrorists.

To build this mosque is a slap in the face of the victims families.

Let the mosque be built, but not at ground zero.

Ground Zero mosque debate is about common sense, sensitivity to 9/11 vics, not religious freedom.

Were Confederate soldiers terrorists?

April 11, 2010

If one reads much,  it is not infrequent to encounter ill-reasoned idiocy, but I must admit that this piece takes the cake.  To liken Confederate soldiers to Muslim terrorists is incomprehensible.  I might expect something like this from the National Enquirer perhaps, but CNN?  Do they have an editorial board over there?

If you can find a less cogent, less well reasoned piece by any major network or news organization, please let me know.  Aside from a complete lack of historical perspective regarding the civil war, the analogies this man uses hold about as much water as a sieve.

Were Confederate soldiers terrorists? –

Karzai Slams the West Again –

April 5, 2010

Our presence in Afghanistan is neither winning the hearts and minds of the people, nor is it winning the support of one of the most politically corrupt nations in the world.

Even as we prop up Karzai’s government, he assails us.  He enriches himself, his family, his friends, as we spend blood and treasure.  For what, I ask?

Karzai Slams the West Again –

True Fiscal Insanity: Creating Money to Buy Government Debt by Richard Daughty

March 2, 2010

I have been reading the Mogambu Guru on Lew Rockwell for several years now, yet have never posted any of his stuff.  He is a very funny guy.  Read this brief article… It will be good for a little education and a lot of laughs

True Fiscal Insanity: Creating Money to Buy Government Debt by Richard Daughty.

Do You Know Any al Quaeda Sympathizers?

February 21, 2010

For  a little dose of libertarian “tongue in cheekiness”, you must take this short quiz.  This is worth your time.  I laughed quite heartily.

Waziristan: The last frontier | The Economist

January 1, 2010

Here’s an interesting history, and speculative future for Waziristan, the tribal area currently controlled by the Taliban in Pakistan, and where the Pakistani army is currently fighting the militants.

Waziristan: The last frontier | The Economist.

Obama’s Security ‘Breach’ –

January 1, 2010

How can the current administration believe that it is our nation’s best interest to return Gitmo detainees to Yemen?  Is there anyone in Washington with a brain?

Obama’s Security ‘Breach’ –

Obama, Secessionist Movements and the Nobel Prize by Russell D. Longcore

December 11, 2009

To protect the people!

Obama, Secessionist Movements and the Nobel Prize by Russell D. Longcore.

Nidal Hasan… Traitor, Murdererer, Muslim

November 9, 2009

The United States military forces currently have thousands of Muslim Americans that serve with distinction.  Nidal Hasan is not one of them.

Reviewing the most up to date reports, it appears that Major Nidal Hasan acted alone.  It appears that his actions were not orchestrated by others.   It appears that there were many hints as to his  conflicted  state of mind regarding his religion and his military service.  It appears that his superiors missed those hints… much to the detriment of the service.

My heart goes out to the victims of this carnage, and they are many.  Beyond the dead and wounded, and the families of those victims, there are many good Muslim-Americans that will suffer for his misdeeds.

Hasan’s actions may not have been the actions of a terrorist, but he certainly did not “snap”, as I have read reported.  His actions were calculated and rational within his warped and twisted religious mindset.

I read in one report that a cousin of Hasan said Hasan once shed tears when discussing the psychological difficulties of some of the returning soldiers that were under his care.  I wonder, were there tears in his eyes as his bullets struck the thirteen separate soldiers that he murdered, and the twenty-nine that he wounded?

I long for the days of the gibbet.