The ObamaCare Writedowns

March 27, 2010

The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.

Margaret Thatcher

One of the simplest facts of  life is  “You don’t get something for nothing,” yet  the Democratic congress has assured us that with the new health care bill, we can insure 33 million Americans and not only will it not cost us anything, we  can actually save money in doing so.   Apparently the business sector does not believe this.

Just days after passage of Obamacare, some of the largest companies in the US are taking writedowns on their profit and loss statements.  In other words, they expect this bill to cost them lots of money.

Well, heck, you might say, the big companies make millions, even billions of dollars, right?  Who cares?  You should care.  When AT&T takes a writedown of one billion dollars, that’s a billion dollars they don’t have to invest in research and development, upgrading equipment, or expansion of their business.  That means jobs, baby, and because these companies are suddenly less profitable, they are less highly valued by the investing community, the result being a lower stock price.  If you are lucky enough to have a 401k plan, I hope you’re not holding them.

It has been said that “He governs best, who governs least.”  Our  federal government has lost sight of this.  The Republican form of government exemplified at this nation’s founding with a limited central government and strong states rights has been dying, at least since the end of the Civil War, and we need desperately to resuscitate it.  I believe the chance will come as our economic plight over the next ten years continues to worsen.  The failures of our mismanaged, over-bloated central government will become apparent, even to the most die-hard liberal wacko.

Read the article below, see what the business world thinks of Obamacare.

The ObamaCare Writedowns –

Just Another Step on the Road to Perdition

March 22, 2010

It’s over…  Obamacare is here.

I give the man credit.  His clinkers are definitely more substantial than I had imagined… I truly believed that he would not risk his presidency on such monumental legislation.  Nor did I believe he had the political will nor power to succeed.   Well I was very, very, very wrong.

When A policeman confronts an armed criminal, when a fireman steps into a burning building, when a president is instrumental in enacting such legislation, there are risks involved.  I do not believe that the American citizenry wanted this bill.  Mid-term elections will tell the tale.  If republicans win big in November, Obama might be served up as a lame duck… just in time for thanksgiving.

News Analysis – Obama’s Health Care Victory Carries a Cost –

Six Reasons Barack Obama is Still the Odds-on Favorite in 2012 — Politics Daily

March 8, 2010

Our nation has always been polarized… even in the era of “Good Feelings”, conflict over the institution of slavery was in its nascent beginnings, but times were good…  In good economic times, serious political issues can be swept under the rug…  I mean, everybody’s happy and well fed, right?

Today, the Tea Parties are the head of the boil that lies just under the surface of America’s skin.  The boil, I believe, is created by the proflgacies of the Republicrats in Washington, DC, by their inability to control the debt that has not only led to our current economic crisis, but threatens the the very economic, political, and social solvency of this nation

I don’t believe that President Obama is the man to lance that boil, yet neither do I see a republican contender with the hair or the principles to lance it either.

This article suggests that we may see Obama for another four years.  I hope not.

Six Reasons Barack Obama is Still the Odds-on Favorite in 2012 — Politics Daily.

The Afghanistan War – Obama the Neo-Con

February 13, 2010

The sheer idiocy of our continued involvement in Afghanistan is simply mind-boggling.  This article describes how the US strategy of building a state is progressing.  General McChrystal,  in reference to the new offensive in Marja remarks that “We’ve got government in a box”.  He will plant it in Marja after the Taliban there are dispersed.   I hope he plans to fertilize it well.

Afghanistan, according to Forbes Magazine, is in the top ten nations in the world with regard to government corruption.  I have read numerous articles where villagers have remarked that they preferred the opressive tactics of the Taliban to the more opressive Afghani police. Will this “Government in a box” be any different?  I should think not.

The idea that one can impose government on a people is antithetitical to my understanding of freedom and liberty, individualism and self government.  This strategy by our Nobel Peace Prize winning  Democratic president is simply  more neo-con elephant turds wrapped in donkey shit.

In today’s political landscape, the hawks have pushed the doves to extinction.

News Analysis – Afghan Offensive Is New War Model –

Obama’s Security ‘Breach’ –

January 1, 2010

How can the current administration believe that it is our nation’s best interest to return Gitmo detainees to Yemen?  Is there anyone in Washington with a brain?

Obama’s Security ‘Breach’ –

The Strange Concensus on Obama’s Nobel Acceptance Speech

December 14, 2009

If you paid any attention to Obama’s Nobel address, it was an homage to America’s military power in the world, and a strong argument for the necessity of war.  I offer you a couple of quotes below:

I come here with an acute sense of the cost of armed conflict – filled with difficult questions about the relationship between war and peace, and our effort to replace one with the other.

There will be times when nations – acting individually or in concert – will find the use of force not only necessary but morally justified.

…the instruments of war do have a role to play in preserving the peace.

I believe that force can be justified on humanitarian grounds,
And this is just a sampling.  During the War in Vietnam there were Hawks and Doves…  No more.   There are only Republicrats.   I mean, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Peggy Noonan, all loved the Democratic President’s speech…. Whoa!

I have made the remark that Liberty and Empire are mutually antagonistic.  Empire is by definition authoritarian.  Liberty in this country will only survive if Americans can come to their senses., recognize the advancing police state, our State of war, and seek a return to the limited government that made this country once a beacon to the rest of the world.  Government, my readers, is not our friend. As Thomas Paine  wrote in Common Sense “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”

I believe that we are leaning towards the latter.  Follow the link below to a most perspicacious article discussing the speech.  It is worth the read.

Glenn Greenwald –

Obama’s Big Sellout : Rolling Stone

December 14, 2009

The president has packed his economic team with Wall Street insiders intent on turning the bailout into an all-out giveaway.

Obama’s Big Sellout : Rolling Stone.

Brave New World – 2009 by Jim Quinn

December 14, 2009

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

Aldous Huxley

If you have never read the books Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, or 1984 by George Orwell… You really should.  Both offer visions of  dystopian and futuristic nightmares that on the one hand offer a very engaging and enjoyable read, and on the other a prophetic glance into our future.

I do not agree with all the conclusions of this article, but it is an interesting read nonetheless.

Brave New World – 2009 by Jim Quinn.

Killing the Currency

December 14, 2009

Will the dollar die?  How about an Amero?  It is time to get out of dollar denominated assets, folks.  We are in deep and stormy waters, and our captain and mates are fair-weather sailors.  Think of this article from the American Conservative as a life vest…  You are going to need it.

Killing the Currency

Is Obama Really Preparing for Civil War?

December 12, 2009

The Russians see it coming!


Is Obama Really Preparing for Civil War? by Chuck Baldwin.