War, War, and More War a.k.a. A Crumbling America

July 19, 2010

As our recent and continuing “too big to fail” crisis continues, many in the financial industry are recording record profits while twenty-plus percent of Americans are out of work, and our infrastructure crumbles.

The American Society of Civil Engineers figures that about 1.6 Trillion dollars is needed to repair our long ignored bridges and roads. Without roads and bridges, our economy suffers.

Meanwhile our Men and Women of Power, the Republicrats in Washington DC, spend our blood and treasure on far shores, following “our interests” and “spreading democracy” to the tribal societies of Afghanistan.   Our “Defense Budget”  (read Offense Budget) is over one trillion dollars a year.  Our wars are both impoverishing us  and increasing the stranglehold of the Government/Big Business axis over our lives.

Come November, I would ask that all Americans follow the sage advice of the great American humorist, Will Rogers, and “Kick the bums out!

Ron Paul’s Hour of Power by Patrick J. Buchanan

January 30, 2010

I see the Federal Reserve Banking system as the greatest threat to our nation’s economic and personal liberty.  It permits overspending by the Congress on socialist causes, enables war, and has brought us to the brink of economic collapse.  Pat Buchanan nails this one.

Ron Paul’s Hour of Power by Patrick J. Buchanan.

Treasury Resisting TARP Transparency, Oversight

January 18, 2010

700 Billion dollars… Real money, folks, and the banks can’t tell us what they did with it?  They seem to understand my mortgage pretty well.  Accountancy on gifted funds from the Fed must not be as important as the loans they make to the small fish like me.

Big business, big government, big problem, I’m thinkin’.

Read this article.  If you can come away without the understanding that BIG GOVERNMENT IS NOT OUR FRIEND, well… good luck comrade.

Treasury Resisting TARP Transparency, Oversight | Mother Jones.

Obama and Socialism

October 11, 2009

Right wing rabble rousing journalists (RWRRJ’s) are  pushing the idea that Obama is bringing socialism to this country… At best this is disingenuous, but I think it a more finely crafted strategy to discredit Obama with the masses of ill-informed Americans.  After all this is the flag-waving old USofA, by God, and we’re Capitalists with a Capitalist C… right?

“If Obama is a socialist… that sure as hell ain’t right!  Can’t have that… No way!… Now just where did I put that Social Security Check, sweetheart?”

Let’s face it.  Socialist creep has been going on since the days of  Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt and their progressive ideology.    The  government instituted the current income tax in 1917 and then they had lots of other people’s money (OPM) to spend on social engineering, and we all know that that is the best kind of money to spend.  Cash for clunkers?  No problem.  Billions to the banks… no problem.  Ain’t coming out of my pocket.

Of course, the income tax was first instituted in the Civil War by the Revenue Act of 1861 under the first (gasp) Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, to finance (of all things) the “War of Northern Aggression”  (Yeah, I have southern roots).

The sixteenth amendment was the brainchild of Nelson Aldrich, a prominent US Senator from Rhode Island who was of all things a (gasp) Republican during the administration of William Howard Taft, another (gasp) Republican.

And lets not forget the Troubled Assets Relief Program.  $700 Billion (just how much money is that?) to help the Banks that hosed every damned one of us with their house of cards, and who I might add have done pretty darned good since that cash infusion. This was under the Bush administration… another (gasp) Republican.

I’m not trying to just bash the Republican party here.  The Democrats are up to their elbows in this pie also.  In fact, these parties, despite their vitriol with and finger-pointing at one another are just two sides of the same coin (except perhaps for the extremes of both parties).  They all sleep together.  Republicrats… All of them.