Wind or Nuclear?

March 14, 2010

Certainly one of the greatest (though rarely admitted)  reasons for this nations international mischief making is to secure for ourselves a steady supply of energy.

France, a country of which I am not particularly fond (their holier than thou attitudes are a little too much for me)  supplies the majority of their electrical needs through the use of  Nuclear Power.  If the Frenchies can do it why can’t we?

The last Nuclear power plant built in the US was finished over thirty years ago.  Every American plant has been built with a stand alone design.  What we need is a single design that can be replicated across this country.  Nuclear energy is inexpensive, and the newer designs reuse much of their own waste and are cleaner than coal and oil.

Read this article from the Mises Institute.   It is a simple, coherent and cogent argument for the necessary development of Nuclear Power in this country.

Wind or Nuclear? – Ray Harvey – Mises Institute.