Ron Paul for President 2012

The American people are beginning to recognize that the Federal Government is “not their friend”.  Democrats beware.  Republicans beware…

Disaffection crosses party lines.  So what does this mean for November?  A recent poll by a major national polling organization reported that when asked about two canidates, Obama and Ron Paul, which would you favor as president, Paul essentially tied Obama.  After winning, much to the Republican Party’s dismay, the CPAC straw poll, Ron Paul seems on a roll.

I don’t agree with everything that Ron Paul says, but then I don’t agree with everything that anyone says, but he is a breath of fresh air.  We need to shake up the republicrats in D.C.  We need to end business as usual.  Ron Paul for President 2012.

Andrew Kohut: Americans Are More Skeptical of Washington Than Ever –

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